Computer game designer/researcher in Washington state.
[edit]Pages in Edit
[edit]- Pages I'm working on
- Collapse (game)
Images to Create/Update
- Mancala
- Pachisi / Chaupar
- Ludo
- Senet
- Mehen
- Game of the Goose
- Noughts & Crosses
- Merels
- Surakarta (game)
- Snakes and ladders
Historical Figures Related to Games
[edit]- Pachisi
- Astragals
- Binary lots
- Teetotums
- Tatsungin
- Totolospi
- Zohn Ahl
- Nyout
- Chaupar
- Parcheesi
- Ludo
- Chinesenspiel
- Sorry!
- Coppit
- Malefiz
- Patolli of the Aztecs
- Thaayam
- Backgammon
- The Royal Game of Ur
- The Game of Twenty
- Senet
- Dogs & Jackals
- Grammai
- Verquere
- Chase the Girls
- Acey-Duecey
- Ludus Anglicorum
- Plakoto
- Trictrac
- Mehen (game)
- Hyena (game)
- Game of the Goose
- Hare & Tortoise
- Noughts & Crosses
- Merels
- Twixt
- Nine Holes
- Connect-4
- Beer Squares by Dan Glimne
- Linop by Alex Randolph
- Mills and Merels
- Three Men's Morris
- Shah (game)
- Origins (game)
- Alquerque
- Dala
- Renju
- Hasami Shogi
- Hex (game) - Piet Hein
- Thoughtwave
- Connections
- Bridg-it
- Five-Field Kono
- Tablan
- Halma
- Rakado
- Salta
- Chinese Checkers
- Permutations
- Mancala
- Wari
- Boolik
- Puluc
- Tab (game)
- Petteia
- Latrunculi
- Siga
- Dablot Prejjesne
- Fanorona
- Surakarta (game)
- Draughts
- Indians and Trappers
- Lasca
- Chaturanga
- Changgi
- Shogi
- Sittuyin